tilak on forehead

Why Hindu People Wear Tilak On Their Forehead

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Bindi, kumkum or a red dot on the forehead of an Indian woman is common as it tells a married status of a woman. But, Have you ever wondered why Hindu men have tikka or tilak on their forehead? Yes, Tilak, or a dot, on the forehead of the Hindus, is a sacred symbol of the universe in its unmanifested form. This display of dot on the forehead represents a desire to realize oneness or unity with God. The center of the forehead between the eyebrows is believed to have a Chakra on it and considers as a most sensitive part of human body. Applying Bindu, dot, tilak, kumkum, or a sandalwood paste over there helps to protect the human body from receiving negative energy and hence provides positive vibes.

Generally, Bindi or Kumkum is worn by a woman where tikka or tilak is worn by both men and women while doing Puja or on some special occasion like wedding, on pre-wedding Tilak ceremony, Shubh Vivah, or on other auspicious occasions of Hindu. It is said that by wearing tilak in the center of the forehead, enlightens your mind and soul and gives you good thought. The center where Hindus put Tilak helps in curing various problems. Putting tilak is a tradition which imbibes the cultural and traditional aspects of Indian people. This practice of wearing tilak is a unique tradition which makes Hinduism and Indians stand high from others.

The tradition of wearing Tilak is an ancient ritual. The mark or Bindu on the forehead is the visible identified mark or symbol of Hindu people. Firstly the tilak was worn to identify the identical Varna system. Like Brahmin wore a paste of sandalwood which symbolizes purity and harmony. While Kshatriyas used to wear Red Tilak which signifies their valour and courage and Vaishyas wore yellow which signified as a symbol of prosperity as they were traders whereas, Shudras wore Black tilak symbolizes they are lowered class people and have to serve all above classes.

But with the change in time, the tilak represents your Sampradaya you belong to or whom you worshiped as every God has its own significant and identical mark or color of Tilak. As Lord Vishnu wear Yellow color tilak on his forehead made by turmeric in three horizontal lines. The “Ajna Chakra” or the point between the eyebrows is the point that most of Hindus consider the entry or exit of our Soul.

Scientifically, this area is known as a thinktank, concentration, and memory. This area is also known the area which gets heated during stress and tension. So applying Chadan tilak on this place gives you a cooling effect and aids concentration. A tilak is imprinted on a person’s forehead from birth because it is the location by which one can convey divinity, holiness by enhancing the spiritual characteristics in a human being.