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Are you observing painful gastric problem during pregnancy? Although the time of nine months is definitely a pleasing experience for a mom-to-be, it does consists of some embarrassing problems like the gastric problem that makes a soon-to-be mother go restless and uncomfortable.

The problem of bloating is caused due to the increasing level of progesterone. The hormone relaxes intestine muscles which contribute to the problem of burping, bloating and expelling of gas.

As the baby grows, the uterus enlarges which shifts the intestine into the abdomen that slows down the process of digestion even more.

To ease the uncommon problem that every mom-to-be faces, mangalparinay.com have come up with effective home remedies and natural ways by which you can get relief from bloating and gas.

Home remedies to get relief from the gastric problem during pregnancy:

• Increase the dosage of water

Water is a great remedy that can help you to prevent the formation of gas. Keep a water bottle nearby you so that you don’t forget to sip water at regular intervals. Drink plenty of water throughout the day so that your digestive tract functions well and reduce the embarrassing problem of bloating and fart.

• Increase other fluid intakes

If you don’t want to gulp down tasteless water every time, replace it with fruit juices, coconut water, and other healthy beverages that improve digestion.

• Avoid foods that form gastric problems

During pregnancy, strictly avoid the foods that result into gas formation in stomach and intestines. Cut down the intake of vegetables like broccoli, onion, cabbage, beans, cauliflower, brussels sprout as they tend to build up gas.

• Don’t consume refined sugars

Do a great favor to yourself by cutting down artificially sweetened juices and carbonated drinks as they contain fructose that which cause bloating.

• Stop having fried foods

Not only you need to avoid having refined sugars but also refrain yourself from consuming fried foods as they make you feel heavy since these foods are hard to digest.

• Include fiber-rich food

Make sure to include foods that contain high fiber as it helps stool to pass easily through intestines. Thus, preventing the problem of gas formation and constipation during pregnancy.

• Have smaller healthy meals

No matter how occupied you are at work, break your meals time into 5-6 smaller healthy meals so that whatever you eat can be digested comfortably. Don’t eat food in hurry, instead chew property to prevent the stomach from bloating.

• Watch what you eat

During pregnancy, it is necessary to monitor what you gulp down through food pipe. Ask your doctor and elders what precautions you need to take while having food. Also, instead of having frozen and processed food, eat fresh fruits and food.

• Stay active

Pregnancy doesn’t mean that you lay down on your bed unless your gynecologist suggested it. Keep moving after you have meals. Make it habit to have a slow walk for 30 minutes daily as cure gastric problem.

• Exercising/yoga is the best

During pregnancy, you don’t skip exercising but it is advisable that you ask your doctor about the exercises you can opt for a safe pregnancy. Don’t include strenuous exercises as it may lead to unwanted risk. Try yoga postures after asking the professional that helps in reducing gas formation.