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There comes a point in life when everyone thinks of getting settle down in the holy matrimony of marriage. We all need someone in our life who willingly wants to stand by us during hard times and the good times. The one whose presence is enough to lift up our worst mood, the one whose thought makes us smile a little wider. Indian society lay more emphasis on arranged marriage even in today’s scenario. As Wedding marks the beginning of a new journey of life with the significant other, we would like to tell you the important factors which are essential in creating the love in an arranged marriage. Though it may happen you need some time to be in love in an arranged marriage but that time is worth having to blossom that intense emotion; Love.

Share fear and anxiety

It is obvious you would be little worried about what life may bring as a wedding is seen as the institution where one needs to compromise and sacrifice to live up to each other’s expectations. But that is not true. It’s relevant to open up with the person you belong to. Share your hidden fears. The person will definitely stand by you whenever you need their support and provide you the space you seek. Openness melts the ice and will bring you closer.

Know each other

To fall in love with someone, you need to know each other better. Spend the quality time together. Help each other in household chores, by doing this you will get to know what they enjoy doing the most. Know each other favorite hobbies, timepass, their favorite food, or sports. Talk about movies or songs. Go for a morning walk together, indulge yourself to take some dance class together.

Respect one’s individual time

The most important factor to create some magic of love happen between you both is to understand the fact that you both are different individuals. You both demand your own time where you want to enjoy your own company. Respect your partner’s space wholeheartedly. They would like the fact that you respect their individuality and see them falling for you.

Give more than you get

To make any relationship stronger and deeper, one must follow the mantra to give more than you get. Appreciate the little things they do for you and reciprocate with the same affection. It is human nature that we tend to do things even if they are beyond our reach when we get the deserving acceptance and appreciation. This mantra will undeniably bring you closer to each other.

Share tasks

You both are strangers to each other.  Take the initiative and be the icebreaker. Knowing the truth that she/he is your better half and you have to face life challenges and struggles together and share your pain and happiness with each other growing old together. Start by sharing tasks. It is not mandatory that cooking is assigned for female only. Be the in charge of the kitchen often and let her manage your expenses.

According to the surveys, arranged marriages last lifelong than the one in which partner is chosen by oneself. When you live with someone, observe the way they do something, you adapt each other slangs, the methods, the habits and eventually you don’t get to know while adapting each other mannerism and everything, you become habitual for your partner’s company which in turn results in growing fondness for each other.