Healthy Rules To Live A Successful Married Life...

Healthy Rules To Live A Successful Married Life…

Who says sustaining through a married life is easy? Sharing the same roof with someone without having conflicts and arguments is truly impossible. Every couple fights; though the reason differs but fights are an inevitable part of any relationship. Sometimes, it makes your marital bond stronger and sometimes, it vaporize love from your marriage. Fighting is good until it is healthy otherwise it’s an alarming … Continue reading Healthy Rules To Live A Successful Married Life…


Signs You Should Call Off Your Engagement

Marriage is a big decision of life which must be taken with utmost care. There is a slight difference between attraction and affection that can affect your married life. Your boyfriend has popped the question “Will you spend rest of your life with me?” kneeling down and having an engagement ring in his hand and you are confused what to say. There might be the … Continue reading Signs You Should Call Off Your Engagement